All families have times where we have minor illnesses, pick up sickness bugs and viruses and need to look after our low level illnesses. Keeping basic supplies at home can be helpful and pharmacists can provide general advice.
This handy self-care at home guide offers practical advice on how to stay healthy and what key things you should have in your first aid box at home.
You can also find specific information related to children and young people’s health and local services specifically for them here:
NHS : Children and Young People's Health
However, if you’re worried about a family member call 111 or speak to your GP practice.
Sometimes we might need more specialist advice and support – please see key links below:
Find a GP
A doctor (or GP) treats patients with minor or chronic illnesses. Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery to access NHS services.
It's free to register. You don’t need proof of address, immigration status, identification (ID) or an NHS number. GP surgeries are usually your first contact if you have a health problem.
Find a GP near you
Find out how to register with a GP surgery.
Enter a town, city or postcode to search for your nearest pharmacy.
Find a dentist
Dentists specialise in looking after teeth and gum health. You can find a dental surgery that's convenient for you, whether it's near your home or work, and phone them to see if there are any NHS appointments available.
Find a dentist near you
Find a dental surgery that's convenient for you.
Healthy Start: food, milk and vitamins
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant (or have a child under 4), you may qualify for help to buy healthy food and milk and even get vitamins.
If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it, which you can use in some UK shops.
Talk to your midwife or health visitor to find out more about free vitamins. Or if you have a Health Start card you can collect your vitamins from a Family Hub.
See what's available
Get help to buy food, milk and collect vitamins.
More information about the Healthy Start scheme plus other health and development information for parents with pre-school children.
NHS vaccinations and when to have them
It's important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection, but if you or your child missed a vaccine, contact your GP to catch up
You can find more information here
Here's a useful guide explaining your child's recommended vaccine schedule

This video explains how the nasal flu vaccine is given. You can show this to your little one to help explain what will happen.
Contraception and sexual health
Contraception is used to reduce the chances of an unwanted pregnancy, and to help reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). When contraception is used correctly, it is very effective. Contraception advice and support is free for everyone. You can visit your local chemist or talk to a GP for advice. For online support, the links below provide up to date advice and guidance.
Support and advice is available
NHS website with information on a wide range of issues dedicated to young people and their health, lifestyle and wellbeing.
Where can I get contraception? Your contraception guide.
Drugs and alcohol
There are many reasons why someone might drink alcohol or take drugs. But we know sometimes alcohol and drug use can be damaging to both health and relationships.
Using too much alcohol, and regular drug use can have long-term effects on the physical and mental health of young people and adults. It's important you get help for yourself or for someone you know.
Support and advice is available for help with drugs and alcohol
Treatment options advice for alcohol misuse from the NHS.
Supporting young people with drugs and alcohol.
A guide for young people.
Stop smoking
Stopping smoking has both health benefits and financial benefits. We know that people are more likely to stop smoking if they’re helped by a professional. If you or someone you know is looking to stop smoking, please use the links below to get support. Even if you’re not sure and want to talk to someone it’s a great first step:
Support and advice is available to help you stop smoking
Part of Leicestershire County Council, this service offers a tailored stop smoking programme, led by you. You can also Text 'ready’ to 66777
Teen health
Promoting healthy behaviour during teenage years and taking steps to protect young people from health risks is important for the prevention of problems later in life. There are some great websites with a wide range of helpful information for you:
Teen health support and advice is available
Leicestershire County Council’s information to support parents, carers, and young people who want to know more about the help and care available for young people during their adolescent years.
NHS website with information on a wide range of issues dedicated to young people and their health, lifestyle and wellbeing.
Healthy lifestyles
We can all choose a healthier lifestyle by making the right choices. The food we eat, exercising and looking after our mental and physical health is important. Many websites offer advice to help you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle:
Healthy lifestyle support and advice is available
For easy healthy recipes to make as a family, ideas on smart swaps and 10 minute shake up activities.
Health for Kids provides lots of useful reading, ideas for healthy snacks and activities to do with children.
HENRY supporting the whole family to make positive lifestyle changes, creating healthier and happier home environments.
We believe that every child and young person should experience the enjoyment and benefits that being active can bring.