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Parenting support

Support for parents and other family members is available. You just need to ask.

Family help

Becoming a parent or carer is a rewarding experience, but this can also come with new challenges for us all.

Family Help is a service at Leicestershire County Council which provides you and your family with help early on when you are experiencing difficulties that can’t be supported by other services alone, such as schools or GPs.

Family Help can provide support and signposting for:

  • extra help with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
  • mental health and wellbeing 
  • domestic abuse (past or present) and ongoing arguing at home between parents
  • parenting teenagers and young people (including those who are at risk of crime). 
Support and advice is available for your family
Start for Life

Pregnancy, baby and parenting.

 Start for life | NHS

Healthy Together 0-11

Health visiting and school nursing.

 Healthy Together

Health for under 5s

Your health visiting service.

 Health for under 5s

Five to Thrive

Key messages from neuroscience for early intervention and life-long learning.

 Five to Thrive

ICON programme

When babies cry it can be stressful and overwhelming. Help is out there – all you need to do is ask.



Home-Start works with families in communities across the UK.


Teen Health 

Teen Health 11-19 Service – delivered by Leicestershire County Council.

 Teen Health

Relation Kit

Relation Kit videos offer helpful ideas using videos to show typical examples of when parenting can feel challenging whether as parents you are living together or not


Amity's Little book of Relationships 

The little book of relationships can also be found in hard copy in our family hubs 

One Plus one 

One Plus One resources are aimed at supporting parents to strengthen their relationships with people in their lives and offers short on line resources to help think about struggles we face in different situations:

Solihull Parenting Approach

Free online courses to help support your child's emotional wellbeing 

In Our Place QR Code
Supporting emotional health and wellbeing poster

Support for dads

Just like mums, dads play a really important role in their children's lives, but often need different help and advice.

Support and advice is available for dads
Dad Pad

Dad Pad is an online guide for dads (especially new dads) who may feel they need a bit of a helping hand to navigate being a new parent.

 Dad Pad


Work with dads and male carers across the UK and have years of experience of supporting families.

 Working with dads and male carers

Dads clubs

A fun stay and play for dads/male carers and their children. Check out the Family Hubs in Leicestershire that run these FREE Saturday morning sessions to find a group close to you. 

Hinckley - Third Saturday of every month 9.30am - 11.30am To book your place call: 0116 305 5601 

Wigston Magna  - First Saturday of each month. Call 0116 305 5282 for more information.

Mountfields (Loughborough) - 1st Saturday of every month 10am - 12pm. Call 0116 305 2880 for more information.

Greenhill (Coalville) - 2nd Saturday of every month 10am – 12pm.  Call 0116 305 5993 for more information.

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