Your nearest school and other information
Find your nearest school and other useful information.
Useful links
Leicestershire County Council’s school search. Use the map and filters to narrow down your search.
A register of schools and colleges in England.
You can contact the Inclusion Service if you're concerned about a child or young person's access to, or inclusion in, high quality education, employment, or training.
Find out all you need to know about applying for a school place for your child.
Applying for a school place
The school admissions process for Leicestershire.
Appealing a school place
How to appeal if your child has been refused a school place or you're unhappy with the school they're been offered.
Appeal a school place.
Bullying can take many forms and may not be easy to recognise. The website below provides in-depth information and what you can do.
Support and advice is available
Information and guidance from Leicestershire County Council's Anti-Bullying Team.
Online safety
It’s not always easy to know what’s safe online. The information below can help you and your child keep safe.
Support and advice is available for help with online safety
Keeping children safe online.
Staying safe online.